
luminous lino loveliness...

I spent a  really exciting day teaching lino printing at Paper Village in Bristol this weekend.  Lots of people trying printing for the first time, hopefully leaving with lots of ideas and inspiration and also a brave group who I pushed into doing reduction lino prints (where you gradually carve away more and more of your lino block as you add colours, until there is almost nothing left, so no going back!).  With a bit of brain stretching as they worked out where to start and a race against time in just a three hour session some great prints were made and hopefully the seeds of some fabulous future lino prints sown...

My terrible photography means that I can't show everyones work, so sorry if yours hasn't appeared here!

 Lou did pretty well to get her printing done while taking great photos of the morning session though so you can see lots of those prints here...

Reduction printers hard at work...


Unknown said...

That looks truly inspiring - no wonder Lou was so excited by it! x

Unknown said...

There is nothing wrong with these photos... love the last one of everyone hard at work. Well done Mel - we loved it. x